Web Portals

Traffic for Public Agencies: North America

INRIXTraffic.us is a free service to aid transportation agencies who own, operate, manage, patrol, and plan the nation’s major highway system. INRIXTraffic.us provides to agency employees a complete, real-time picture of current traffic flow conditions across the continental United States, now covering over 200,000 miles. The site is available 24×7 and provides traffic information across state and regional borders.

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Traffic for Public Agencies: Europe

INRIXTraffic.EU is a free Web service that aids European state, regional and municipal departments of transport who own, operate, manage, patrol, and plan the major motorway systems throughout Europe. INRIXTraffic.EU provides to agency employees a complete, real-time picture of current traffic flow conditions across Europe with initial coverage spanning 160,000 kilometers of motorways in 10 countries. With more countries and roads being added all the time, the site is available 24×7 and provides traffic information across state and regional borders.

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